I was inspired by a 300 poster to make layers as I did. The top image is of my friend, Jimmy, doing a back flip. I combined several images into one and then changed the color levels of the image. The middle image is of the backside of a house in Tucson, Arizona with mountains in the background. I used the lasso tool to select this section from the image and changed the color levels of the selection. on the bottom right and left are cacti. They are the same image, just flipped horizontally. I used the lasso tool to select them from their original image and changed the color levels of my selection. The font I used for the movie title is called Orator Std. I chose this font because I wanted to keep it simple and edgy as to not take away too much attention from the rest of the poster and this font seemed like my best choice. The font I chose for the actor's names is called Letter Gothic Std. I chose this font because I wanted it to be simple and not take away from the interest in the movie title and the rest of the poster.
Redone: I took out one of the Jimmy's and spaced them farther apart so they don't overlap and I centered the title.