Friday, November 12, 2010

Greg Dickerson, Untitled

The picture I have taken does not do this piece of art justice. The colors have muted and you can't feel the texture with just a two dimesional image.
I chose this piece because I love art that means something different to every person.  This art speaks to me because of the different textures and bright colors.  Greg Dickerson taught my Drawing I class on Saturdays Spring semester of 2010.  I have seen his other works of art and they are just as childlike and fun. 
If I were to be promoting this work of art, I would show a detailed picture of the work because this piece of artwork has no title.  Even if the artwork did have a title it would not do this piece of artwork justice because there is so much going on and a few words could not capture the essence of this piece. 
This artwork is significant because of its color scheme and the use of fabrics. You may think that any person could create a piece of art that looks like this, but it is much harder than you'd think; I know because I have tried.   

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Metaphors We Live By Ch 1 & 2

This reading was very informational and very eye opening.  I have never thought of metaphors as a concept, rather I think of them as relating words to one another.  I quite enjoyed the reading, and I am not a reader.  It was enjoyable to me because it had so much interesting information and gave great examples at to what the author was talking about.  I will now look at metaphors in a different light and try to find metaphors in my life.

Here is a good website for metaphors:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Business Card, Influencial Artists, and The Perfect Artist Statement

1.      Diane Arbus
Her work is so raw and captures the true essence of human beings.
2.      Jerry Uelsmann
His images are so magnificent.  It’s amazing how he combines two images to make one beautiful one.
3.      Maggie Taylor
Her images are so creative and animated.
4.      Alec Soth
His photography is so versatile; he captures so many human emotions.
5.      Sharon Lockhart
She portrays the essence of space in her photography.
6.      Kristine Heykants
She portrays irony so well in her photographs.
7.      Annie Lebovitz
She captures the beauty of human beings in her photography.
8.      Catherine Opie
She portrays humans as very sensitive beings.
9.      Priscilla Briggs
She shows the essence of consumerism in her photographs.
10.  Laura Migliorino
She makes you question the stereotypes we have on other human beings.
11.  Anthony Marchetti
In his photographs he makes even ugly things look beautiful.
12.  Justin Newhall
He brings history into his photographs.
13.  Brian Ulrich
He shows the realness of the retail market in his photographs.
14.  James Henkel
His project “Water Bowls” captures the beauty of nature inside a manmade object.
15.  Eric William Carroll
In his project “Punctum” he captures human emotion even though the faces on his subjects are cut out.
Artist Statement:
This is a good artist statement because it tells us about her thoughts on the project and what she is exploring.  It also gives her process of carrying out this project and a little background as to why she decided to do this project.